InterMapper RemoteAccess versions

Accesses, monitors, and maps local networks
Jun 10, 2019
Dec 21, 2016
Oct 31, 2014
Nov 21, 2013
Dec 19, 2012
Dec 12, 2011
Mar 31, 2011
Jun 18, 2010
Jan 14, 2010
Editorial review
May 5, 2009
Jun 12, 2008
May 18, 2008
Sep 20, 2008

What's new

v5.4 [Mar 31, 2011]
- Layer 2 – a physical connectivity discovery tool: enables auto-discovery and connection of devices to the correct switch port. These Layer 2 links ensure your maps provide complete information about interconnections in your network. It has always been challenging to reliably document where equipment is connected to a switch given the growing use of wireless devices and VLANs. InterMapper combines information gained from Layer 2 and 3 to give you the confidence that your map is accurate.
- Reports – a dynamic, web-based trend analyzer: In today's network centric economy, every department within your organization has a vested interest in network performance and reliability. InterMapper Reports allows the network administrator to easily disseminate critical information. Its unique customizable, web-based analytics make data available to all stakeholders from the convenience of their browser.
- InterMapper 5.4 also includes the following minor features:
- HTTP Follow Probe: This probe extends the standard HTTP probe to allow following a limited number of page redirects to the same HTTP server.
- Import/Export of Helper Apps: You can now import and export Helper App configurations in the InterMapper GUI or InterMapper RemoteAccess from the File menu or from the Helper Apps "Customize" screen.
- Drag Between Maps: You can now drag items from one map's list view to another map's list view or icon view.
- More logs available in Bug Reporter: The Bug Reporter will now allow you to attach InterMapper Switches, InterMapper Reports, InterMapper Database, and InterMapper Authentication Server logs along with the usual Debug, Event, and Outages logs to bug reports in situations where the GUI or server can access them.
- More icons available for use in maps: We have added a large number of icons in several categories to the built-in icons.
- New look to InterMapper RemoteAccess Map List, Helper Apps windows: The Map List and Helper Apps windows now include buttons at the bottom to add, remove, get info about, and perform other operations. In addition, you can optionally add device count columns to the Map List window by clicking on the gear icon next to the current columns.
- Upgrade check and installer improvements: In order to help users avoid the pain of upgrading to a version of InterMapper for which they have no license, the upgrade checks and the Mac and Windows installers will compare the manufacture date of new versions against the expiration of the currently installed license and only allow upgrade if the license will allow the new version to run. (This check will work as long as 5.3.7 or later is the already-installed version.)
- Downgrade protection: InterMapper will use an improved algorithm for backing up maps to make it easier to go back to an older set in the case where a user desires to "downgrade" to an earlier version of InterMapper.
- Numerous small enhancements and bug fixes: As always, we have made small enhancements and bug fixes too numerous to list here. Please review the release notes for the complete list.

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